To use the HOPE Alumnae Roster, you sign in with your email address. HOPE never sees your password. To reset your password, follow the steps below:

Go to the request password reset page.

  1. Enter your email (note: It is the email where you received HOPE communications.)


<aside> 💡 Troubleshoot: I don’t know the email If you need help identifying which email to use or no longer have access to this email, please send us a support request so that we may assist you. Reach out to us using our roster contact form.


Click the "Send Reset Code" button

You will received an email with a reset password code that you’ll need to enter in order to set a new password on the next screen


Check your email for the code (it will arrive quickly)


Return to the same page and click on the "I already have a code" button.


Enter your reset code (from the email) and new password

  1. Enter reset code from email
  2. Enter your new password
  3. Click the "Confirm" button